Illuminatural 6i™

Order By Phone: +1-866-261-8661 Promo Code: 555661

Visibly Lighten Dark Spots

On Your Face And Body, Including…

Moles Freckles
Birthmarks Age & Sun Spots
Acne Scars Melasma
Hyperpigmentation & More!

With Significant Lightening Results In The First 4 Weeks!

100%Satisfaction Guarantee

Please try our products for 67 days and if for any reason you are not completely satisfied simply return the unused portion in the original container within 67 days of receiving your order (60 days + one week return shipping), and we will refund you 100% of the product purchase price, excluding shipping & handling.

Don’t Waste Another Minute Crying Over
Your Embarrassing ‘Dark Spots’…

With Illuminatural 6i® Advanced Skin Lightening, you won’t waste another minute hopelessly staring in the mirror, wishing away your embarrassing ‘dark spots.’

Because you’ll finally have the latest developments in skin lightening science working for you to dramatically fade and even eliminate areas of hyperpigmentation, including…

  • Freckles
  • Dark inner elbows & knees
  • Sun spots
  • Acne scars
  • Melasma
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Senile lentigines
  • Birthmarks
  • Age spots
  • Liver spots
  • Chloasma
  • Post inflammatory

… Whitens, lightens, and brightens your skin!

  • Before
  • After

And with it’s dermaceutical advanced formulation, Illuminatural 6i® helps you to achieve that flawless, air-brushed, ivory-toned complexion that we all want – WITHOUT the potential risks, costs, or frightening side effects associated with your other skin lightening treatment options.

Results Guaranteed – Or Your Money Back!

DOES NOT CONTAIN: Hydroquinone, Mercury, Steroids, Bleach, Or Toxic Substances!

Dave David, M.D. Explains the Science Behind this Incredible Product!

Dr. Dave David became Board Certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology 32 years ago and is now a practicing Cosmetic Surgeon who has been treating patients for over 40 years. He has appeared in Time Magazine among the world’s leading aesthetic surgeons.

Watch this video to learn more about the science behind Illuminatural 6i® and why Dr. David recommends this product to his patients dealing with environmental damage to their skin such as sun spots and dark spots due to aging.

The Most Innovate Skin Lightening Technologies

With Illuminatural 6i® there’s no harsh bleaching… no surgical scraping… no chemical peeling… and no burning!

Instead, you’ll lighten and brighten your skin NATURALLY, using a highly effective yet GENTLE combination of:

  • Clinically proven active skin lighteners

  • Plant-based
    sun filters

  • Healing

  • Natural exfoliants
    to slough
    off dark cells

  • Biologically active
    & anti-oxidants

  • Skin lightening
    extracts & oils

  • Dermal layer
    delivery agents

  • And deep skin

… That work deep below your skin’s surface to NATURALLY interrupt and block your skin’s production of the dark skin pigment called ‘melanin.’

That’s right, Illuminatural 6i® doesn’t scrape away your skin’s surface, causing scarring or injury! It doesn’t sting, or chemically burn, or dry out your skin either!

Because Illuminatural 6i® works with your skin’s own NATURAL 28-day cycle of regeneration to:

  • Interrupt and block the production of melanin
  • Help NEW, lighter skin cells rise to the surface
  • Help block UV rays with organic, plant-based sun filters
  • Slough off dead, pigmented cells, for faster lightening
  • Promote a healthy cycle of skin cell regeneration

So that over a period of 28 days, your dark pigmented cells slowly, naturally get sloughed off as your NEW, lighter skin cells rise to the surface…

… Helping you to achieve that flawless, airbrushed ivory-toned complexion you’ve been seeking!

Try It Out Today!

Includes 6 Clinically Proven Active Skin Lightening Ingredients: In A Luxurious Serum For Daily Use!

Active Ingredient #1 – Niacinamide (5.0%)

89% Of Participants Reported A ‘Noticeable’ Or ‘Significant’ Decrease In Hyperpigmentation

Source: Research & Development Dept, Proctor & Gamble, Kobe Japan (May-July 1998)Read About It Here.

Active Ingredient #2 – Sodium Lactate (8.0%)

95% Of Test Subjects Reported ‘Significant Whitening Results’!

Percentage of test-objects with significant whitening results


  • 20 test-subjects
  • pH=5.5
  • Measurement after 24 days
  • Applying cream 3 times daily

(Source: European Patent Application 0423 929 A1.)Read About It Here.

Active Ingredient #3 – Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate (5.0%)

Clinically Proven to Be 200% MORE EFFECTIVE For Skin Whitening When Used In Combination With Sodium Lactate!

Measurement By Clinical Grading

Synergistic whitening effects achieved when Vitamin C is combined with Lactates in one formulation

Smith, international Journal of Cosmetic Science 21:33-40 (1999)Read About It Here.

Active Ingredient #4 – Whitonyl (4.0%)

Reduced Melanin Skin Pigment By As Much As 52% !

Visualization Of The Effect of WHITONYL Tyrosinase activity

  • Tyrosinase activity++


  • Tyrosinase activity++

    0.5% WHITONYL
    +0.1mM IBMX

  • Tyrosinase activity+

    +0.1mM IBMX

  • Tyrosinase activity+++

    Control +0.1mM IBMX

Study carried out by measuring the quantity of Melanin Synthasized in cultures of B16F1 MelanocytesRead About It Here.

Active Ingredient #5 – Alpha-Arbutin (1.0%)

Clinical Study Proved It Offers 20% to 60% MORE Skin Lightening Effects!

Interaction curve for parameter “L”: treated zone vs control, difference M1/M0

Source: Alpha Arbutin by Pentapharm.Read About It Here.

PLUS – 85% Of Women Reported ‘Skin Lightening Effects’ After 60 Days!

  • 15% reported a ‘marked improvement’
  • 39% reported a improvement
  • 31% reported a ‘slight improvement’
  • 15% reported ‘no effect’
  • 0% reported ‘aggravation’

Source: Alpha Arbutin by Pentapharm.Read About It Here.

Order Yours Today & RECEIVE A BONUS GIFT!

Order NowAnd get a free gift today!

Advanced Delivery of Ingredients To Deep Skin Layers Where They Address The Root Of Your Problems.

Of course, here at Skinception™, we know it’s not enough to include ‘active ingredients’ in a skin lightening formulation…

… You need a delivery system that gets those active ingredients past the surface layers of your skin to the deep dermis and hypodermis layers, where their action is most effective.

And that’s why we’ve formulated Illuminatural 6i® to include delivery agents Hydrolite-5™ AND SymGlucan®!

These patented delivery agents have BOTH been clinically proven to enhance the bioavailability of other ingredients they’re combined with – while measurably improving skin’s moisture and condition!

Begin Seeing Results In The First 4 Weeks With Best Results After 60 Days Use!

Clinical studies of active ingredients show impressive skin lightening and whitening results in as little as 4 weeks.

However, for best results, we recommend that you plan to continue using Illuminatural 6i® for THREE CYCLES of your skin’s natural regeneration cycle…

28 Days Per Cycle X THREE CYCLES = 84 Days!

… Because with each 28-day cycle, MORE of your dark, pigmented cells are pushed to the surface and sloughed away. And your lighter skin cells start to become MORE visible!

Again – you can expect to see lightening results during the FIRST 28-Day CYCLE!

But experience tells us that the best lightening and whitening results occur with at least 84 days use — THREE CYCLES of your skin’s natural regeneration process.

And if you’re experiencing increased or erratic melanin production due to fluctuating hormones or aging, you may wish to continue using Illuminatural 6i® every day, to help normalize your skin’s natural production of the melanin pigment.

You Are Protected by Our Money Back Guarantee

Please try our product for 67 days (2 bottles) and if for any reason you are not 100% satisfied, simply return the two empty bottles within 67 days from the time of delivery for a full refund excluding shipping charges. If you wish to take advantage of the price discount by ordering multiple bottles don’t worry.

Any unopened bottles returned along with your first two opened boxes within the 67 day guarantee period will also be eligible for a full refund. How can we make this incredible guarantee? Because we KNOW you will be satisfied with our product. Please do not ship any product back after the 67-day refund period has expired. Returns must be received back at warehouse within 67 days of delivery with no exceptions. Please feel free to try our products, but refunds are limited to one order per customer.

100%Satisfaction Guarantee


To reduce the appearance of Dark Spots…


It’s important to note… This is not a “combination cream” that promises anti-aging, anti-cellulite, stretch mark reduction AND skin whitening.

Illuminatural 6i® is a potent formulation 100% focused on skin whitening!



Our product has gone viral! Everyone is talking about it; Celebrities, Influencers, likely even your friends! Skinception® by Dr. David combines the latest in the world of scientific skincare developments, results-oriented formulations with a down to earth everyday natural skincare philosophy.


What are you waiting for? Try Illuminatural 6i™ Today!